Tullamarine battle over new motel

motel valuation melbourneA new application has been lodged for a motel development at Tullamarine after a similar proposal was turned down by the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal in November last year.

Local resident and objector Warren McKelvie said last week the application to build a double-storey motel in a residential area between Londrew and Andlon courts on Mickleham Road had caused “great grief” for him and his neighbours after Hume Council initially approved the plans.

“Last time, about 16 to 18 households contributed money to fight this case at VCAT,” Mr McKelvie said.

“Now less than four months later we have the same battle going on.”

Last month, VCAT fees for permit objection hearings were raised, in some cases by as much as three times last year’s rate.

Cr Jack Ogilvie said he believed the proponent of the motel had purchased another block of land adjacent to the original blocks put forward for the development, enabling more space for landscaping and reducing the building footprint, both of which were points of criticism levelled against the application at last year’s VCAT hearing.

Council’s city sustainability director Kelvin Walsh confirmed a new application had been lodged with the council by Neerod Designs, taking on board comments made in conjunction with the VCAT refusal.

“The new application, which is under consideration by council at the moment, includes a reduced number of rooms and a different building form,” Mr Walsh said.

“The advertising period is in progress. At its conclusion, council will make a decision, taking into consideration any community views.”

(Source: Helen Grimaux, Hume Weekly, March 19, 2013)